Lines Written And Drawn by John Carroll Long

John's unstoppable wit, pearls of wisdom, and a unique form of narrative poetry are brought to life in this visually luscious, hardbound art book.Lines Written And Drawn is an extraordinary collaboration of poetical verse, interwoven inseparably with over 130 artworks, presented as an entirely original volume that delights and reaches us all. 

$85 per book

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Painting. Drawing. Sculpture. Ceramics. Mixed Media 3D. Mixed Media 2D. Installation Works. Photography. Paintography. Minimalism. Abstracts. Humor

Adorables And Deplorables by John Carroll Long

Enjoy more of artist John Carroll Long's wit and humor by reading: Adorables And Deplorables.This 232 page book bursts with a variety of whacky characters enlivened by John's imagination! He has dressed the characters in t-shirts and given each a message or commentary on life. Acting as simpletons on one occasion and Einstein on another, both performances can be found on our stages of life.

These conundrums are cleverly choreographed here for all of us to enjoy, love, hate, remember or dismiss. Regardless, each page pokes us with fun or provokes us with surprising pearls of wisdom. And according to John, "Some are serious, some are humorous, and some are both. Are the characters adorable or deplorable? It is for you to decide. They are waiting to be judged by you. The artwork will entertain you for as long as you like if you let it."

$45 per book

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